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Gridlogics Technologies

Gridlogics is a leading provider of products and custom software solutions for patent research, management, data analysis and project management. Our products leverage the latest techniques in information retrieval, data mining and visualizations to help clients globally in deriving actionable intelligence from the masses of patent data.

Gridlogics has two key products for patent professionals - PatSeer and Patent iNSIGHT Pro.

Gridlogics flagship product Patent iNSIGHT Pro is a comprehensive patent research, analysis and mapping platform. Patent iNSIGHT Pro can help you:


  • Gain intelligence about a product or an industry and align your research accordingly
  • Identify most active competitors and understand their strategies
  • Identify key inventors within a particular organization or technology space
  • Identify potential partners for in-house IP
  • Identify new licensing, research, and growth opportunities
  • Strengthen your patent portfolio by filling up unidentified gaps
  • Keep a close watch on the industry trend and make reliable predictions


PatSeer is a world leader in searchable full-text global patent data content with integrated analytics, project workflow and collaboration capabilities. PatSeer can help you:

  • Search across Global patent data comprising 42+ countries full-text coverage and 104+ countries, Integrated Families, Bibliography, Corporate Tree, Machine translations, Legal Status, and more
  • Build powerful search strategies with a fully features syntax, more than 191+ search fields and advanced search scripting capabilities
  • Scan through large result sets with different result views with fast loading time
  • Leverage flexible analytics capabilities and prepare multi-dimensional charts and graphs with ease
  • Streamline your patent workflows with PatSeer Projects by inviting collaborators (external search firm/counsels), setting up Patent Dashlets® (business dashboards) for R&D and management
  • Easily involve stakeholders, implement project workflows, and reduce your collaboration and project management costs with PatSeer Project Sharing.


Gridlogics have also worked and built custom IP solutions for intellectual property teams in leading technology companies and have a track record for successful custom solution delivery and support.

With more than 100 man- years of experience in Intellectual Property Software Gridlogics has a strong in-house team of developers and engineers who understand the complexities involved in designing very large patent databases, patent management systems, in-house alerting and workflow systems with all associated features around it. Our products are in use by large and medium corporations, law firms, legal service providers and even technology startups.

At Gridlogics we are dedicated to bringing new ideas in the field of Intellectual property.

Find out more on www.gridlogics.com | www.patentinsightpro.com | www.patseer.com

Tel - +1-408-689-2603 | +44-20-32862301 | +91.20.66202640 / 41

Email – sourabh@patentinsightpro.com