- Info
Monday 24 Oct
09:00 - 11:00
Chair: Harry Collier, Infonortics, UK
The New Generation of Digital Natives and their Impact on the Corporate Information Environment
Those born as Digital Natives do not question the benefits of the iPad nor the value of social networking any more than their predecessors questioned the benefits of the telephone or the fax machine. Digital Natives task their employers to provide the tools they have come to rely on, tools that make them a part of their digital world. This session will consider: - tools, services and techniques used by Digital Natives.
- tools for work vs tools for play—are there boundaries?
- costs and consequences when the corporation does and does not technologically support the Digital Native.
- productivity of the Digital Native.
- productivity of the company who knows how to support its digitally native employees.
As it caters to the Digital Native, the information environment in the corporation becomes more like a neural network, connecting people, sharing information and consuming technology. Collaboration both inside and outside of the corporation is a fact of life. Smart companies and smart vendors can use technology and the demands of the Digital Native to leapfrog over their competition.
Making Business Sense of the Continuous and Anarchic Flow of Social Media Data
There was a time when opinions were reflected only by journalists via TV, newspapers, radio, etc. Nowadays, nothing exists without "social" judgment. All facts of everyday life (decisions, laws, products, events, etc.) generate some form of social discussion. No organisation can live without interacting with the society around it. The “social” concept includes all of us; as individuals, we are affected by everything around us, but also able to have an impact on those events. We can ignore all this continuous flow of information, or we can treat it as what it is: raw “random” data, which could become useful information, after appropriate processing. Organisations can explore the net analysing social data in order to collect information about decisions, products, reputation, to understand what their consumers think about them, and therefore improve their market position. Organisations can integrate with social tools in order to have a place for discussion and reviews. The academic and business worlds are working together to discover the rhythms underneath this continuous noise, and to develop tools that can make sense of it. In this presentation we examine practical ways that we can use today to make business sense of these data, as well as what we believe the future is preparing for us.
Content is King ... and Queen and Knave
The web changes everything. Readers are now users who expect content to come to them, using search engines to move seamlessly between publisher silos and consuming content across media. Web 2.0 turns everyone into a publisher and challenges the traditional notions of centralised content production. Then the iPad came along and changed everything again. (Or was that the iPhone 4?) We offer a whistle-stop tour of Nature Publishing Group’s activities and challenges in extending content beyond the peer reviewed journal, to take advantage of today’s multi-media, multi-channel online environment, whilst maintaining the high quality of its output.
New Product Introductions - Questel / Digital-Science / Minesoft
11.00 - 11.30
Exhibition and Networking Break
11:30 - 13:00
Chair: Anne Girard, Infonortics, UK
Open Access Repositories: Opportunities and Risks for STI Communities
The evolution of Scientific & Technical Information (STI) repositories in the Open Access field leads to massive changes in terms of usage and content offers. What are the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses for STI communities in the dynamics of Open Access publishing? - What advantages can be gained from the Open Access movement?
- What are the impacts for researchers?
- What are the positions of publishers regarding the Open Access?
- Which business models will lead to long-term success in the digital economy regarding new STI environment and web 2.0 technologies?
This presentation identifyies the state of the situation in the evolution of STI repositories in Open Access, emphasising the distribution per area, language, topics and types of content. This SWOT approach will also focus on the key trends relative to the needs and uses in STI: “From fee to free” versus “to pay to be in”.
Trust and Confidence in International e-Business
The Paris Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Chairman of the World Chambers Network) has launched a number of initiatives in the area of international business-to-business (b to b). This presentation describes some of these initiatives and examines trust problems in the commercial process (trust labels, electronic signature, online mediation, trusted storage of documents) and also the challenges posed by electronic-only international trade documents.
New Product Introductions - Linguamatics / BizInt / SearchTechnology VantagePoint
13.00 - 14.30
Lunch, Exhibition and Networking
14:30 - 15:35
Chair: John Willmore, BizInt, USA
chemicalize.org: Automatically adding Chemistry to Web Pages, Predicted Structure Data and Search
chemicalize.org is a new free online service being developed by ChemAxon which adds chemistry to Web pages as well as data and Web pages to structures. The primary use is to parse chemical names from Web page text and serve an annotated Web page version which includes structure images hyper-linked from the chemical name source. By storing structures and Web page URLs we can search the database to find those Web pages containing any given structure query. For each structure users can also generate structure-based prediction results within a user customisable report; predictions include logP, pKa, logD etc. Current developments include expansion of non chemical search techniques to include chemistry, 'tracking' structures in newly chemicalised pages and presenting chemicalize.org user activity to give a snapshot of current Web pages and structures and queries that are interesting chemists online. The presentation outlines the aims of the development, describes the service, current developments and overview use and user feedback.
Mobile Chemistry and “Generation App”
While the internet has been revolutionising our access to data and information via our computers, computers have been miniaturising to the point where a smart phone offers capabilities that many desktops could not deliver less than a decade ago. Mobile browser technology and app-based delivery for software has now delivered into our hands further access to data via phones, pads and tablets. Whether it be in the form of chemical calculators, accessing publishers' websites or public domain databases containing millions of chemical structures, mobile chemistry is here and is expanding in capability and coverage at a dramatic rate. This presentation reviews the status of mobile devices and how they are being used to enable chemists.
New Product Introduction: InfoChem / LexisNexis / INTELLIXIR / Parthys Reverse Informatics
15.35 -16.15
Exhibition and Networking Break
16:15 - 18:00
Chair: Paul Frey, Search Technology, USA
New Product Introductions - WIPO / Dolcera
Integrating Proprietary and Public Collections of Pharmaceutically Relevant Small Molecules in the Patent Literature with Reference To Neglected Diseases
The advancement of text annotation tools for biomedical research combined with the recent availability of highly curated, public databases of small molecules with measures of binding strengths against specific biological targets provides new opportunities to generate systematically new data and relationships from the patent literature. SureChem has an integrated approach that extracts chemical structure and biological data from the full text documents of major patenting authorities. Described in this presentation are efforts to take this in-house data system and overlay the ChEMBL database of bioactive drug-like small molecules. Using both standard and newer approaches to measure chemical similarity patents can be clustered both in terms of chemical content as well as biological content by making use of pre-existing biological synonyms. Latterly we present results of this approach as discrete collections of patents associated with targets/species known to be relevant to the field of neglected diseases; these collections could be made publicly available.
Indexing Patent Chemistry with InChI
The OpenSource InChI algorithm, supported and promoted by publishers,database vendors and software vendors via the InChI Trust (www.inchi-trust.org), has started to add Markush and generic structure capability to thisfreely available system. This short presentation describes the status of this IUPAC international standard and how it will provide a unique and valuable tool for linking of chemical patent information.
Overcoming Issues in Implementing Chemical Structure Searching Across Disparate Data Sets
Consider data mining a data set for chemical nomenclature. As long as the data set contains relevant names for chemicals, processing can be systematised with the inevitable exceptions and special cases handled by the programmers as these issues occur. However, consider that the data sets are from disparate sources in which correct systematic names are not used by design or are intentionally made ambiguous as would be the case in, say, the open press or even patents. Also, consider literature sources such as newspapers or even trade journals which may make chemical names easier to read but not easier to resolve; but these sources cannot be dismissed simply because they make the problem of extracting and searching chemical names more difficult. Also, consider other technical sources such as dissertations or trade journals in which the level of resolution can vary not only by publication, but also from issue to issue. This presentation discusses some of the issues and solutions involved with implementing a chemical information system using various information sources.